LiliVita - only the best for your health.

Increasing efficiency of the digestion system
To increase the efficiency of the digestion system and the intake of more fat into the cells , Taurin and Carnitin was added.

Vitamin -
The elixir for Health
To insure that the bodies immune system is always working perfectly we added special Vitamins, Vitamin B1,B6,B12,Folic Acid and Vitamin C, to make sure the body is always strong and healthy.

Congee -
Quick and Easy
Lilivita Reisflocken can be consumed anywhere and anytime. The preperation only requires water - mixing it will make it complete. Thus it doesnt matter if at school, university or workplace- Lilivita Reisflocken can always be with you.

A Healthy Breakfast will Kick-Start your Day.

Its important to eat your breakfast.

As the name suggests, breakfast literally means breaking your overnight fast..

It may be up to 14 hours since your last meal, and your brain and body need to re-fuel to perform at their best.